北里大学 相模原キャンパス、一般教育部 外国語単位 英語科 This blog documents the classwork in progress by freshmen students in the Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Sagamihara Campus of Kitasato University, a medical and health sciences research university and hospital complex in the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Freshmen students create and perform a role play skit to actually use English and also to show what they have learned this semester. This is one of the problem for EFL learners who live in monolingual countries such as Japan, where there are actually not that many foreigners that they can interact with. Further, for most people in Japan's pubic and private school system, speaking English as a practical communication skill is completely downplayed and often ignored in favor of preparation of reading and translation skills in view of passing the difficult and vitally important university entrance exams. Our class strives to give an opportunity to learn that speaking English can not only be fun but can be an important part of self-development too.