北里大学 相模原キャンパス、一般教育部 外国語単位 英語科 This blog documents the classwork in progress by freshmen students in the Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Sagamihara Campus of Kitasato University, a medical and health sciences research university and hospital complex in the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Much Improved Performance - 再発表

Video sent by kujp999
The same student below gave his speech again a week later. I hope you can notice the big improvement. Not only is his self-confidence stronger but he succeeds in getting across his message more effectively and with more impact. Our comprehension of his ideas is easier too because he makes us want to listen to him by the improved style of stronger delivery, better audience awareness and much more eye contact. His main message about what he has learned personally about the benefits of sports is unchanged, but the power and impact of the message is much greater. Give a speech is much more than just writing (and reading) a good composition. A good public speaking performance can make people take notice, give us attention and also understand a new, important and meaningful lesson or idea.