北里大学 相模原キャンパス、一般教育部 外国語単位 英語科 This blog documents the classwork in progress by freshmen students in the Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Sagamihara Campus of Kitasato University, a medical and health sciences research university and hospital complex in the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Topic Speech Performances - Mr. Brooks' class

In June 2006, freshmen students have each been performing a 1-2 minute speech in English on a topic of their choice. We have worked on learning how to organize the logical structure of a short speech, and also worked on how to polish a spoken performance so that it communicates with the audience -- not simply reading a written composition. Some of the students have been quite succcessful -- even though it may have taken a couple of tries - in some cases. As the instructor, I would like to make some of the very good and excellent performances available for others (both inside our university community) and also in the outside world. In the following days and weeks, some of those speeches will be posted here for you to watch. Please remember that ours in NOT a professional broadcasting course or even a public speaking class. This is a required English-As-A-Foreign-Language (EFL) course for freshmen at our medical and health sciences university located just outside Tokyo, Japan. We have nothing better than a digital video camera to make the recordings. The speeches are not expected to be 'media-quality' (like a TV broadcast). However, some of them are quite well done and succeed in getting their message across. I think it was a great learning project. [No comments are allowed at the moment].